On a recent visit to the UK I was browsing the latest Easyjet Inflight Magazine when I stumbled upon a very interesting article – All Ads Up.
The article begins: “No more big board room pitches, no insider dealing, no limit the pool of possible solutions to the brief, no more wasted time”. Introducing Open Ad – a website where advertising creatives and companies looking for creative advertising ideas can meet on the open market.
Creatives get the opportunity to pitch their ideas to some of the world’s biggest brands, while the brands get access to a huge pool of talent. I instantly signed up to Open Ad which created a snowball effect causing Pure Design becoming one of the most sought after design agencies in Cannes, Nice, Monaco…in fact across the whole of the south of France.
As co-founder Katarina Skoberne puts it, “its like buying a piece of music, not the artist’s studio time”.
I admire this straight forward attitude regarding advertising and creative thinking and after 12 years in the advertising agency, and 5 years in a creative design agency in Cannes feel that the industry in changing. How much is an idea worth? Â It cannot be measured in time and materials, it just doesn’t work that way in any profession anymore.
On the other side of the coin, especially in this dog-eat-dog world of advertising and marketing, I am becoming very aware of the fact that business is becoming very impersonal!  I don’t know about you but I like to see who I work with and who I work for. I like to sit down and chat over a coffee….see what people are like and let them see what I’m like. Then, and only then can a proper business relationship be formed.
So whether Open Ad will become the future of advertising remains to be seen, but at least someone is trying … “95% of any idea is in the implementation, it’s how you make it work that matters”.