March 9, 2009
Going Green at Pure Design

With 12.000 programs of conservation, the WWF is one of the foremost worldwide organizations for the protection of nature and defense of the environment. The WWF has the role of stopping the process of degradation of the planet and of building a future where human beings will live in harmony with Nature. With this objective, the organization works to preserve the worlds biological diversity, to guarantee a durable use of natural resources and to encourage measures intended to reduce pollution and overconsumption.

In this way, the WWF recommends the use of post-consumption recycled paper and supports the step of environmental performance.

In a few years, companies have become fully aware of the impact of their industrial activities on the environment. The sector of design and print does not make exception to the rule in this respect. Indeed the production of printed paper requires the use of hazardous substances that can then affect the ground, water and air. Because the sources of pollution are now clearly identified, it is now possible to bring specific answers throughout the printing chain.


FSC Certificate (Forest Stewardship Council) 

Of international origin, set up in 1993 on the initiative of ONG, companies and local government agencies. This standard is a forestry certification which guarantees a better management of the forests by taking into account the economic aspects as well as the safeguarding of the environment.



Standards ISO 14001 and EMAS 

These two international and European standards certify the systems of environmental management. They ask of companies the implication and the respect of a process of continuous improvement and impose also requirements in term of communication with the recipients. The EMAS remains the most demanding in terms of the obligation of results.


The label Imprim’Vert

A brand created in 1998, it now replaces the label reflexnature. Imprim’ Vert certifies actions which are respectful of the environment. All labellized printers are committed to respecting 3 criteria: good management of dangerous waste, security of the storage of dangerous liquids to avoid accidents and risks of pollution, non usage of toxic products. The carbon assessment makes it possible for a company to evaluate the greenhouse gas emissions generated by its activity. The objective is then to set up a short and medium term action plan to reduce these emissions.


At Pure Design International, we are putting everything in place to reduce our ecological impact and ensuring we only work with printers who also follow these strict guidelines.


  • Reduction of wastage at source
  • Barrels of 200 litres for ink (reduction of packaging waste, less wasting of the product)
  • Automatic distribution of ink in the machine
  • Use of hired washable rags for cleaning the machines
  • Use of the process CTP without chemicals
  • Objective of “paper free zone” in house

Developed waste with 99%

  • Tank doubles hull for liquid waste (solutions of rinsing of the machines, of the developer, water of washing of the machines)
  • Special skip for the collection of the DIB (cardboard, plastic, metal and wood)
  • Containers for aerosols (anti-static sprays), for oil filters and batteries, waterproof containers for specific waste (soiled rags, plastics and cans…)
  • Compactors for paper and trimmings (more than 2000 tons recycled each year)
  • Recycled computer materials

Choice of consumables on the basis of their environmental impact

  • Use of vegetable based inks
  • Progressive abolition of isopropanol (certain workshops function with 0% alcohol)
  • Absence of chlorinated products
  • Referencing of eco responsable suppliers
  • Use of recyclable toners

Rigorous management of energy

  • Recovery of the calories generated by certain technical equipment to heat the workshops
  • Heating and air-conditioning of the buildings ensured by heat pumps
  • Taking into account the energy performances of machines at the time of investment decisions
  • Installation of schedules to facilitate the setting up of a car sharing scheme
  • Sensitizing of the personnel to energy saving

What’s New ?

Pure Design are an english speaking design agency and printers based near Cannes.  We have over 20 years of experience in design, branding, development and printing and manage clients coming to Monaco, Nice, Cannes & St Tropez.


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